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Marco Scomparin

Marco Scomparin is the young influencer with 45.2K followers on Instagram, who loves to travel around the world. Between a first class flight and a ride on a water taxi in Venice, Marco shared with us all there’s to know about his approach to fashion. If you want to find out more about the place he still holds in his heart, or the garment Marco's most attached to, keep on reading!

How would you describe your style?

Actually I don’t have a proper style, as I like to change: just like my mood changes, my perfume and style change as well. Usually I go for a laid-back style, wearing tracksuits with different volumes. I also like shirts, but for work I used to wear a suit and tie every day and, since I’ve changed jobs, I dress like that just on occasions that require a slightly more elegant look.


Actually I don’t have a proper style, as I like to change: just like my mood changes, my perfume and style change as well.

Did you have a style icon that you looked up to growing up? If so, who is it and why?

Undoubtedly, my style icon has always been James Bond. He’s elegant and perfect in every occasion, even when he makes his entrance to a party in a submarine, wearing a wet suit and a tuxedo!

As an adventurous man who travels the world, do certain cities, or countries, inspire and hold a special place in your heart in regards to fashion?

For sure, one of the countries that holds a special place in my heart is Mexico. Mexicans are able to mix together many different colours, conveying a strong sense of happiness – a distinctive feature of these people. On the contrary, I tend to wear darker colours: black, blue, grey…sometimes I’d like to able to dare with colour just like they do!

Take me on a journey through your closet. What’s your most prized possession, and why?

The piece I’m most attached to is not a designer or expensive item. It’s a yellow and white oversize shirt, that’s probably 50 years old. It was my grandpa’s, and I still remember that one time when I went to my grandparents’ house and, opening a trunk, I found some old clothes. So, I asked my grandma who owned them, and she said they were my grandpa’s. I was so charmed by this shirt that my grandma told me: “If you like it, you can keep it!”. From that moment on, I’ve worn it many times, because it’s fresh, large, and it reminds me of my grandad.